Board of Directors Approved 11/02/06
October 5, 2006

Present: Young, Hotaling, Curtola, Passalacqua, Machado, Fisher, Hon. James F. Moelk, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Williams, King, Sullivan, Hakenen
Guest: Sheila Elliott, House Chairperson

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

House Committee - Sheila Elliott
The House committee has been acquiring costs for new furniture in the Mansion lounge. Mrs. Elliott presented two chairs that the committee has selected for the lounge. The committee would like to order the furniture now so that it will be available for member enjoyment during the Christmas holiday season. They are requesting approximately $30,000 for the purchase. The final amount may be slightly more as the delivery fees have not been confirmed. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve funds from C.I.F. for the purchase of the furniture. Passalacqua seconded, the motion carried.

Minutes of September 7, 2006
Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve, Fisher seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary Applicants: Henninng, James, Quilici, Dais. Passalacqua motioned to approve, Hotaling seconded. The motion carried.
Social Applicant: Campi, Jr. Passalacqua motioned to approve, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motioned carried.

Committee Reports
Green: The #17 green is open for play. The S.I.D. contractor is asking for additional costs due to rock excavating at Rockville Road and Green Valley Road. Cart path construction is scheduled for mid-October 2006. Two cart pullouts will be added to this project.
The committee would like to repair the drainage problem on #10. Story and his staff will do the work. There is already $10,000 approved for the drainage project in 2006 C.I.F. The committee is requesting to transfer the $12,000 for safety screens which was approved in 2006 C.I.F. to the drainage project, as the screens will not be installed this year. Funds for the safety screens will be requested for the 2007 C.I.F. The Board agreed to this transfer.
Membership: At the Board's request, the committee reviewed a suggestion to buy back memberships that are listed at the minimum asking price. The committee's opinion is that if we buy back a membership, we should by back all memberships listed for sale, not only those listed at the minimum. The committee feels that purchasing back memberships is not economically feasible.

Social Guidelines for House Rules
The Social guidelines have been reviewed by the Club's attorney. Minor changes have been made to the wording. The changes do not effect the content of the guidelines. Hotaling motioned to approve the revisions, Curtola seconded. The motion carried.

Member Correspondence: A letter informing the Board of non members playing tennis without a member present, and that the non members did not register prior to playing.
The tennis pro is of the understanding that a guest can play without a member present just as a guest can play golf without a member present. Capozzo will research the policy and Young will respond to the letter.
Member Correspondence: A letter regarding inconsistencies of meals, poor food preparation during dinners and holiday barbeques.
Senior Men's Golf: The Seniors Men's Golf Group is requesting to hold a one day golf invitational for 72 people. The invitation is to include golf carts, breakfast, lunch and a 8:00 a.m. shotgun. Machado motioned to approve the request subject to the Golf committee finding a date for the invitational. Fisher seconded, the motion carried.
Friends of the Cordelia Fire Fighters: A letter thanking the Board of Directors for agreeing to the use of the Club's facility for their fundraiser. Regretfully, the Friends of the Cordelia Firefighters had to cancel the date booked with Club due to unforeseen conflict with other local events.

Hotaling motioned to adjourn, Curtola seconded. The motion carried 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Honorable James F. Moelk (ret.)